
Stop baldness

Alopecia (this term is called alopecia) - abnormal hair loss and a serious psychological problem for the individual look there. After all the hair has always been considered a symbol of vitality and energy. In many cultures it was customary to shave the hair on his head in a sign of mourning, and the Catholic monks as a sign of renunciation of worldly temptations cut out a circle on the head - the tonsure.

In our time, the belief in the magical role of hair is not as strong odnoko hair in prezhdenmu are powerful sexual stimuli. Long thick hair attracted the attention of men no less than beautiful figure. For women, the appearance of the men traditionally do not play such a big role, so his hair condition of her care to a lesser extent. It is believed that the fear of balding men tormented a little less fear of impotence.

The reasons why a person on the background of the overall health starts to lose hair, can be divided into two main groups: internal and external. The internal reasons include hormonal fluctuations, and metabolic disorders, autoimmunity, genetic predisposition. External - a mental state (stress), infections, physical trauma (damage to the skin), the action of toxic substances, etc. Often all these factors combined.

Man loses daily from 50 to 150 hairs, which is normal. However, increased hair loss may lead to baldness.

The most common form of baldness is androgenetic alopecia, which occurs in both men and women. Approximately 95% of all balding have this form. Next in size - alopecia areata (less than 4%). For all other types of alopecia, taken together, account for less than 1%.

Contact androgenic alopecia, and the level of male hormones in the blood has been noticed for a long time - no wonder they say about hypersexuality bald men. However, here we are talking about individual sensitivity of hair follicles each individual to the presence of androgens (male sex hormones) in the blood. And follicles more sensitive to androgens in women are distributed all over the head, and men are located on the top and on the border of hair growth, which explains the characteristic shape of male baldness and lack of it in women.

Alopecia areata can occur in both men and women, and children. It usually begins with the appearance on the head a few laps, deprived of hair, but sometimes affects other areas, such as eyebrows, and beard. Prolysiny can move with the times, and can at all overgrown. It is still not clarified the nature of this type of baldness, but much indicates that an autoimmune disease, i.e. immune cells inhibit the growth of your own hair. In addition, almost 30% of the observed genetic predisposition to alopecia areata.

Similar symptoms are seen in secondary syphilis, tinea, discoid lupus erythematosus, traumatic alopecia and trichotillomania (compulsive action, expressed in hair pulling).

When sudden severe stress slowing hair growth can occur on the background of what hair loss becomes more noticeable. Stress causes the majority of follicles enter the resting phase and after a few months after the stressful events all "resting" hair follicles cast about the same time, and we therefore sadly observe increased hair loss. Before alopecia in this case it is still far, but the hair at the same time noticeably thinning.

However, one should not confuse cause and effect. For example, estrogens (female sex hormones) lengthen the life cycle of the hair and prevent their growth on the chin, etc. During pregnancy, when a woman's body is literally overflowing with estrogen, the hair life cycle is prolonged, resulting in the amount of hair growing. However, after the birth, when the level of estrogen falls, the hair starts to fall out, which naturally causes great concern. In addition to the above, the massive hair loss is a side effect of chemotherapy of cancer patients.
