
Psychogenic depression

Psychogenic depression - depressive disorder, resulting from acute or chronic trauma. It is accompanied by a decrease in mood, depression, anxiety, slow thinking, motor inhibition, pessimistic perception of the past, present and future, a decrease in self-esteem, impaired social activity and somatovegetativnymi disorders. Psychogenic depression often leads to conflicts with others. Diagnosis put on the basis of medical history, symptoms and results of special surveys. Treatment - psychotherapy, drug therapy amitriptyline for dogs.

Psychogenic depression - depression, which developed in connection with the external traumatic circumstances. The exact prevalence of the disorder are not available, however, psychologists talk about a sharp increase in the number of psychogenic depression in recent decades. Some researchers claim that depressive disorders are now having about 10 times more often than in the first half of the XX century. Every fifth patient suffering from psychogenic depression is suicidal intent or attempt to commit suicide.

Depression is not always obvious and sometimes occurs is not clear due to the traumatic circumstances. Many patients suffering from clinically significant psychogenic depression and in need of specialized care, long time do not apply to the experts, hoping "to survive a difficult period" or having no power to take action. Some patients avoid psychologists considering seeking help as a sign of their weakness and inability to cope with the circumstances. All of the above complicates timely diagnosis and treatment of psychogenic depression. Treatment of this disorder carried out by experts in the field of psychotherapy, psychology and psychiatry.

Psychogenic depression may develop in response to acute stress or chronic trauma. In the first case the detection of the causal relationships are generally not difficult. Depression occurs after the loss, divorce, dismissal, financial ruin, the loss of property and other similar events. It is more difficult to establish the cause of psychogenic depression in chronic stress. A person may suffer a long time from the dissatisfaction with the quality of personal relationships, persistent problems at work, lack of funds and other circumstances, seeing the conditions of existence as inevitable and seems to be reconciled with them. However, suppressed negative emotions accumulate, internal stress increases, the reserves are being depleted, and psychogenic depression there seems to be no significant external causes.

In some cases, lead to the development of depression is almost neutral events of particular importance due to the individual characteristics of the patient's perception. Typically, these events are associated with traumatic situations have arisen at an early age. Patient psychogenic depression may be particularly sensitive to the separation, even if the separation is not associated with dramatic circumstances (for example, a partner went to the usual business trip) after the experienced as a child of separation from his mother. It can be painful to take a minor or an apparent lack of attention to his feelings, if as a child suffering from emotional deprivation etc. Sometimes psychogenic depression arises when approaching the target, or after achieving it:.. Cause becomes frustrating discrepancy between expectations and awareness of errors in selecting targets .

Patients suffer from low mood, sadness and despair. The world is painted in dark tones, the past seems bleak, now pointless, hopeless future. The development of psychogenic depression accompanied by a sense of impending doom. What was once a pleasure, now it becomes indifferent or causes irritation. Reduced self-esteem, a feeling of guilt, uncertainty is growing, there is a tendency to self-incrimination. Patients with psychogenic depression evade communication, minimize social contacts. The circle of their interests is narrowed.

Slows thinking. Patients suffering from psychogenic depression, it becomes difficult to concentrate and make decisions. All their thoughts are focused around its own worthlessness, helplessness and worthlessness. In severe cases have thoughts of suicide. Movement is slow and, in severe psychogenic depression patients do not feel even the strength to get up, wash and dress. There is insomnia, patients suffer from nocturnal awakenings, and early. Appetite often reduced, however, and may increase. Some patients have constipation. In depressed lose interest in sex, women have become irregular or disappear menstruation, men having sexual problems. Patients concerned about the non-localized pain and discomfort in the body, in the heart of pain in the neck and back.

The desire of others to support the patient, to improve his mood and inspire his faith in the future and does not find the response - with psychogenic depression patient and so suffers from a lack of strength, every contact with other people requires significant effort. Promises of a "bright future" or offer "to do a" in these circumstances are perceived as increasing the already unbearable burden, and the patient or irritated, or skips the words of other people by the attention. Despair and hopelessness often provoke use of alcohol and other psychoactive substances.
