
Peyronie's disease

Peyronie's disease - a curvature of the penis, which develops due to the sealing of the penis and the proliferation of fibrous tissue, which makes an erection painful. Diagnose this condition in 0.3-1% of men in the age group of 40- to 60-year-old. This medical research confirms that lead to the disease plaques in the tunica albuginea corpus cavernosum and benign seal from the back of the penis, urethra, and on the sides of the penis cheapest brand cialis. The first mention of such a state as the Peyronie's disease reported in 1561, but it was much later described by the French surgeon Francois de la Peyronie.

Peyronie's disease - a curvature of the penis, which develops due to the sealing of the penis and the proliferation of fibrous tissue, which makes an erection painful. Diagnose this condition in 0.3-1% of men in the age group of 40- to 60-year-old. This medical research confirms that lead to the disease plaques in the tunica albuginea corpus cavernosum and benign seal from the back of the penis, urethra, and on the sides of the penis.

The first mention of such a state as the Peyronie's disease reported in 1561, but it was much later described by the French surgeon Francois de la Peyronie. The pathogenesis of the disease is not fully understood and to date. Of the theories of the pathogenesis of Peyronie's disease, which has a modern andrology, the most popular is a theory in which the main cause microtrauma protein shell called the development of hematoma, resulting in fibrotic tissue cavernous bodies.

A large part of the micro traumas that lead to the development of Peyronie's disease, are caused by sexual intercourse. But not all penile curvature are acquired. In some cases of Peyronie's disease is a congenital condition. The cause of Peyronie's disease congenital hypoplasia appears tunica or short urethral canal. In congenital pathology of plaque is not observed, and the curvature of the penis comes from the presence of connective tissue strands in the cavernous bodies. In this slight curvature are not disease and not require treatment. 2-3% of men suffer from congenital Peyronie's disease of varying severity.

The main symptoms of Peyronie's disease are painful erections, reduced stiffness and curvature of the penis and the presence of palpable plaques in the corpora cavernosa of the penis.

The first active phase of the disease lasts from six months to a year and a half, if the seals in the body of the penis did not disappear on their own, the conservative treatment is shown. The previously detected curvature of the penis, the more effective conservative therapy. Surgical treatment is indicated for acute pain and in severe cases of Peyronie's disease, occurring with significant penile curvature. If conservative therapy does not bring results, also resort to surgery, which is becoming increasingly popular due to the high efficiency.

Palpation gives andrologu able to determine the location of plaques and the degree of curvature. Also, it is important to time the inspection and survey to establish the cause of penile curvature. The degree of penile curvature can be estimated by photography, which can be made by the patient during erection. Ultrasonography highly informative in the early stages of Peyronie's disease.

Conservative treatment consists in introducing into the penis anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that prevent the formation of fibrous tissue. The positive effect of providing physiotherapy, radiotherapy, laser therapy with a helium-neon laser. Inside are a complex of vitamins A and E, and potaba drugs colchicine, tamoxifen and sodium amiobenzoat.

Surgical treatment is more effective, as it allows at the same time to correct the curvature and remove sealed components. The technique of surgery is determined in each case individually Pairon Diseases. Thus, if the curvature of the penis less than 45 degrees, and its length is sufficient, then the implication when a defect occurs due to correction of overlay creases on the opposite side, is most preferred. Fabric sutured nonabsorbable suture material, the penis loses more in length, but the likelihood of complications is minimal.

With sufficient length and curvature of the penis of more than 45 degrees albuginea excised in the form of ellipses, and on the opposite side of the curvature produced suturing nonabsorbable sutures.

In case of insufficient length of the penis, or in case of failure of the patient by the above methods resorted to dissection or plaque excision followed by the use of plastics. Tunica defect is eliminated by the tunica vaginalis testis, skin graft or synthetic materials.

If Peyronie's disease occurs with erectile dysfunction, the best solution is to falloprotezirovanie or falloimplantatsiya. This eliminates problems with erectile dysfunction and to correct the curvature of the penis.
