
Multiple sclerosis Prednisone

Multiple sclerosis - neurological disorders with progressive course, caused by demyelination pathways followed by the formation of sclerotic plaques in the foci of destruction of myelin. Among the symptoms of multiple sclerosis resources buy prednisone 10mg is dominated by motor disorders, sensory disturbances, optic neuritis, disorders of pelvic organs, neuropsychiatric changes. The diagnosis is confirmed by a brain MRI, electrophysiologic studies, neurological and ophthalmological examinations. Drug pathogenetic multiple sclerosis therapy is corticosteroids, immunomodulators, immunosuppressants

Multiple sclerosis - a chronic, progressive disease characterized by multiple lesions in the central and less peripheral nervous system. The notion of "multiple sclerosis" in neuroscience are also consistent: plaque sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, spotted sclerosis, sclerosing periaksialny encephalomyelitis.

The debut of the disease usually falls on a young, active age (20-45 years); in most cases, multiple sclerosis develops in persons engaged in the intellectual sphere. Multiple sclerosis often suffer from people in countries with temperate climates, where the incidence rate may be as high as 50-100 cases per 100 thousand. Population.

The development of multiple sclerosis related to multifocal disease, caused by the interaction of environmental factors (geographical, ecological, viruses and other microorganisms) and hereditary predisposition, which is implemented by a polygenic system, defining characteristics of the immune response and metabolism. The leading role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis playing immunopathological reaction. One of the first events in the pathogenesis of this disease - anergichnyh activation of autoreactive towards myelin antigens CD4 + T cells in the periphery (outside the central nervous system). During this process there is an interaction of the receptor and the T-cell antigen bound to class II molecules gistosovestimosti main complex on antigen-presenting cells, which act as dendritic cells. This antigen may be persistent infectious agent.

As a result, T cells proliferate and differentiate mainly into T-helper type 1, which produce proinflammatory cytokines that promotes activation of other immune cells. In the next step the T-helper gematoentsefaliticheky migrate through the barrier. In the CNS, there is a reactivation of T cells by antigen presenting cells (microglia, macrophages). Develops an inflammatory reaction caused by increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines. The permeability of the blood-brain barrier increases. Disrupted B-cell tolerance to an increase in antibody titers to the various structures and oligodendroglial myelin. The level of reactive oxygen species, the activity of the complement system. As a result of these events developed demyelination with damage to the nerve fibers in the early stages of the disease process, oligodendrogliotsitov destruction and formation of plaque.

Nowadays sclerosis is classified according to the type of the disease. There are basic and rare variants of developing the disease. The former include: for remitting, secondary progressive (with or without relapses), primary progressive.

Remitting multiple sclerosis for the most typical (90% of cases). Distinguish between the onset of symptoms or significantly enhance existing duration of not less than one day (exacerbation), and the period of regression (remission). The first remission is often relatively longer follow-up, so this period is referred to as the stabilization phase.

Secondary-progressive course of multiple sclerosis occurs after remitting course, the duration of which is individual for each patient. There comes a stage of progression of chronic with periods of exacerbation and stabilization. The growth of neurological deficits caused by progressive degeneration of axons and a decrease of compensatory brain features.

When primary-progressive course of multiple sclerosis (12-15% of cases), there is a steady increase in signs of damage to the nervous system without exacerbations and remissions throughout their illness. This disease is caused mainly for the character development of the neurodegenerative disease process. The spinal form of multiple sclerosis is very rare, with a possible debut of 16 years or after 50 years.

In multiple sclerosis, the forecast for future life in general favorable. The possibility of death can be minimized by using appropriate treatment of the underlying disease and timely resuscitation (including ventilation). The natural history of multiple sclerosis means disability of patients during the first 8-10 years of the disease.
