Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Hyperactivity. The term "hyperactive" is often misleading, since some of it suggests that the child is in constant non-stop movement. However, boys with ADHD, playing a game, for example, can have the same level of activity as children without the syndrome. But when the child has received increased attention, it enhances the brain locomotor activity. In a busy environment - a classroom or a crowded store - Children with ADHD are often distracted and react rapidly to all how to get an adderall prescription. They can take without asking a parent goods from the shelves, beat people - in short, they all go out of control, resulting in the erratic and strange behavior.
Impulsiveness and hysterical. Hysteria, which is normal in young children, children with ADHD tend to be exaggerated and not necessarily associated with a specific negative event.
Attention and concentration. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, usually inattentive made and diverted towards the environment (for example, a large class). In addition, they are not careful, when the atmosphere - quiet or boring. On the contrary, they may have some sort of "superkontsentratsiey" high catalytic activity (for example, a video game or a very specific interests). These children may even be too careful - they are so engrossed in an interesting pastime for them, which is absolutely can not change the direction of your attention.
Violation of short-term memory. An important feature of the syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, including training, is a violation of labor (or short-term) memory. People with ADHD can not keep in their minds the image group of offers and long enough to extract the clear, harmonious thoughts. They do not necessarily inattentive. A person with ADHD may not be able to recall a complete explanation (such as homework) or be unable to complete the processes that require sequential memory (such as building model). Children with ADHD often attract activities (television, computer games, active individual sports), which do not overload working memory and do not produce distractions. Children with ADHD did not differ from other children on long-term memory.
Inability to manage time. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may have difficulty - be everywhere on time and to plan time to perform certain tasks (which may coincide with the short-term memory problems).
The lack of ability to adapt. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is often very difficult to adapt to even small changes in procedures - such as getting up in the morning, putting on shoes, the adoption of new types of food or changing sleep patterns. Any change in the situation of anything can cause them a strong and noisy backlash. Even when they are in a good mood, they can suddenly go into hysterics when meet an unexpected change or disappointment. These children can focus directly on the remarks in a certain place, but face difficulties in switching attention to anything else.
Hypersensitivity and sleep problems. Children with ADHD often are hypersensitive to things, sounds and touch. They may complain of excessive stimuli that seem insignificant to others, or soft. Many children with ADHD often have overnight sleep problems.
The symptoms of attention deficit disorder with giperaktivnostyuu adults
Mental disorders. Approximately 20% of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and depression have large or bipolar disorder. Up to 50% have anxiety disorders. Bipolar disorder can be very difficult to distinguish not only in adult ADHD, but also in children.
Disorders that accompany the training. About 20% of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are disorders of the brain's ability to learn. This usually dyslexia and auditory processing problems.
Impact on the job. Compared to adults without attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, patients with hyperactivity, tend to have less education, earn less money and, as a consequence, they are often fired.
Substance Abuse. About 1 in 5 adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is also struggling with substance abuse. Research shows that teens with ADHD are twice as likely to smoke cigarettes than their peers who do not have ADHD. Smoking in adolescence is a risk factor for substance abuse in adulthood.