

Asthenia (asthenic syndrome) - gradually developing psychopathological disorder that accompanies many diseases of the body. Asthenia is manifested by fatigue, decreased mental and physical health, sleep disturbances, increased irritability or lethargy on the contrary, emotional instability, autonomic disorders buy tramadol. Identify asthenia allow a thorough survey of the patient, study his psycho-emotional and mnestical sphere. You must also complete diagnostic examination to identify the underlying disease that caused fatigue. Treated asthenia selection of the optimal mode of labor and rational diet, the use of adaptogens, neuroprotective and psychotropic drugs (neuroleptics, antidepressants).

Asthenia is undoubtedly the most common medical syndrome. It accompanies many infections (SARS, influenza, foodborne diseases, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, and others.), Somatic diseases (acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer 12P. Bowel disease, enterocolitis, pneumonia, arrhythmia, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, cardiopsychoneurosis etc. .), psychopathological states, postpartum, post-traumatic and post-operative period. For this reason, asthenia professionals face almost any field: gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology, surgery, traumatology, psychiatry. Asthenia may be the first sign of incipient disease, accompany him or the height observed during convalescence.

Asthenia should be distinguished from the normal fatigue that occurs after excessive physical or mental stress, jet lag and climate, non-compliance with work and rest. In contrast to the physiological fatigue fatigue develops gradually, persists for a long time (months or years), does not go after the rest and needs a doctor's intervention.

According to many authors based fatigue is stress and exhaustion of the higher nervous activity. The immediate cause of fatigue may be an insufficient supply of nutrients, excessive consumption of energy or metabolic disorder. Potentiate the development of fatigue are all factors that lead to the depletion of the body: acute and chronic diseases, toxicity, poor nutrition, mental health, mental and physical overload, chronic stress, etc...

Because of organic and functional origin asthenia allocated in clinical practice. Organic asthenia occurs in 45% of cases and is associated with the existing patient with chronic somatic diseases or progressive organic pathology. In neurology organic asthenia accompany infectious organic lesions of the brain (encephalitis, abscess, swelling), severe traumatic brain injury, demyelinating diseases (disseminated encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis), cardiovascular disorders (chronic cerebral ischemia, hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke), degenerative processes (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, senile chorea). Functional asthenia 55% of cases and is a temporary condition reversible. Functional asthenia also called reactive, as in fact is the body's response to stressful situations, physical exhaustion or suffered acute illness.

By etiological factor was isolated as somatogenic, post-traumatic, post-natal, post-infectious asthenia.

The peculiarities of clinical manifestations of fatigue is divided into hyper- and hyposthenic form. Hypersthenic asthenia accompanied by increased sensory excitability, due to which the patient is irritable and does not tolerate loud sounds, noise, bright light. Asthenia hyposthenic opposite differs decrease susceptibility to external stimuli, leading to lethargy and sleepiness patient. Hypersthenic asthenia is more mild and with an increase of asthenic syndrome can go to hyposthenic asthenia.

Depending on the duration of the existence of asthenic syndrome, asthenia classified into acute and chronic. Acute fatigue usually is a functional one. It develops after severe stress, suffering acute illness (bronchitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, gastritis) or infections (measles, influenza, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, dysentery). Chronic fatigue is characterized over long and often is organic. For chronic functional asthenia include chronic fatigue syndrome.

Separately isolated asthenia associated with the depletion of the higher nervous activity, - neurasthenia.
