

Aerootitis - inflammatory changes of the middle ear, resulting from the sharp drop in atmospheric pressure. Most often it occurs in aerootitis military pilots and professional divers, at least - of the crew and passengers of the plane. Symptoms aerootita and its duration depends on the severity of the injury. Characterized by pain in the ear, hearing loss, vestibular disorders, in complicated aerootitis - discharge from the ear canal. Aerootita Diagnosis is based on complaints, history, research and data otoskopicheskogogo bacterial inoculation test. aerootita treatment is carried out, depending on its severity click now buy zithromax online. It may include instillation of vasoconstrictor nose drops, a common antibiotic, sanitation of nasal reconstructive middle ear surgery.

Significant changes in atmospheric pressure can cause barotrauma air containing organs (tympanic cavity, sinuses, lungs). As a result, it may be aerootitis, aerosinusitis, lung damage from emphysema, pneumothorax, gas embolism. The most common barotrauma is aerootitis. His development of the most vulnerable to test pilots and military pilots associated with high-speed descents and ascents in an airplane; coffered workers; testers in pressure chambers; divers, plunging to great depths. In some cases, it aerootitis observed in individual passengers or crew members. In addition, the development of aerootita can cause barotrauma resulting from the explosion, drop ear or blow on it.

The main cause of aerootita is a rapid change in ambient pressure, which is not balanced by an appropriate time to change the pressure in the tympanic cavity. The sharp increase in external pressure leads to a retraction of the tympanic membrane, and a sharp decline - its protrusion. The small difference of external and internal pressure is accompanied by a feeling of stuffiness in the ears. This symptom is experienced by almost all aeropassazhiry during take-off and landing aircraft.

A large difference in pressure causes damage to the structures of the middle ear by micro traumas and ruptures the eardrum to the violation of the connections between the auditory bones and fractures. The severity aerootita depends on the speed and extent of changes in atmospheric pressure. As a result of the injury develops inflammation of the middle ear - otitis media. Initially it is catarrhal character, but upon accession infection passes in purulent otitis media.

Development aerootita can contribute to inflammatory diseases of the nose and upper respiratory tract, worsening the patency of the auditory tube: sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, adenoids. The auditory tube can partially compensate for the pressure difference in the tympanic cavity and the external environment, thereby preventing the development of aerootita. Thus, when the atmospheric pressure drops occurs mouth opening of the auditory tube, thereby reducing the air pressure in the tympanic cavity. Increased swallowing or yawning helps the opening of the auditory tube. However, when swelling or inflammatory changes in the auditory tube, this mechanism does not work and aerootitis may occur even at low differential pressures. Furthermore, when the atmospheric pressure drops more than 90 mm Hg. Art. spontaneous opening of the mouth of the pipe does not occur. In such cases, it is effective blowing auditory tube.

Currently, the clinical otolaryngology divides aerootitis on uncomplicated and complicated - accompanied by inflammation. For uncomplicated aerootita depending on the nature of the injuries are 4 degrees: I - marked redness of the eardrum and the injection of its vessels; II - observed bleeding in the eardrum; III - rupture of the eardrum; IV - has been a violation of the ossicular chain (a - without subluxation of the stapes, b - with subluxation).

Complicated aerootitis classified by severity: light - II degrees aerootita combined with acute serous inflammation; moderately severe - II or III degree aerootita with the development of suppurative otitis media; heavy - IV degree aerootita complicated by purulent otitis media; extremely heavy aerootitis inflammation accompanied by a transition to the labyrinth structure and the development of catarrhal or suppurative labyrinthitis.

Symptoms Aerootita

Patients with aerootitom complain of pain in the ear. Intensity of pain varies from non-intensive, perceived as a certain discomfort in the ear, to the very strong and sharp pain dagger character. Pain during aerootitis accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the ear, the noise in it, and hearing loss. It may radiate to the angle of the lower jaw or behind the ear. Rupture of the eardrum appears sharp cotton and intense pain. After him comes a pronounced hearing loss. When aerootitis with infringement in the chain of auditory ossicles, their fracture or subluxation of the stapes observed persistent deafness, continued after the patient recovers. Often the damage to the auditory ossicles system lead to vestibular dysfunction, which manifests itself in patients with aerootitom in the form of intense dizziness and incoordination.

When complicated aerootitis to the above symptoms is added to the clinical picture of acute otitis media with the release of the external auditory canal of serous or purulent discharge. Purulent otitis accompanied by fever and symptoms of intoxication.

Uncomplicated aerootitis I-II degree ends recovery and full recovery of hearing in the first week after received barotrauma. Aerootitis III-IV degree with inflammatory complications may occur several weeks and lead to the formation of scar adhesions tympanic cavity with the development of adhesive otitis media.
