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There is an old saying that man is sexually occupied one percent of the time and sexually preoccupied the other ninety-nine percent. Although these figures may be exaggerated, the adage illustrates our continuous and absorbing interest in all matters related to sexuality.
The question of just how much time is spent in sex-related activities depends on how we define the term sexuality. Some authorities consider sex to be the underlying motive of all human behavior and, consequently, explain every act as an expression of our sexuality. At the other extreme, there are those individuals who restrict the term to just those physical acts that involve the sex organs, for example, coitus, masturbation, etc. Neither of these two viewpoints is entirely satisfactory. The first definition forces us into some rather farfetched conclusions by interpreting everything from international conflict to food preferences as expressions of sexuality. The second definition overlooks all of those human dimensions which, indirectly as well as directly, are influenced by sex. Our position in this book charts a middle course between these two extremes. For us the term sexuality encompasses physical sex, of course, but it also includes the manner in which sex is manifested in society. Sexuality, then, is one of those key concepts that bridges the gap between biology, on the one hand, and psychology, on the other. Although, in the last analysis, sexuality is an individual matter, our definition includes, at least, one's social role, life style, and interpersonal style, as well as one's sexual orientation, attitudes, and behavior.
